A 24-year-old man died and a 19-year-old man was critically injured on Sunday when the older man tried to stop the teen from jumping from the 14th floor of a University of Hawaii dorm, the Associated Press reports.

Authorities say the men fell from a ledge during a party at the school’s Hale Wainani dormitory at around 2:00 a.m. From Hawaii News Now:

Sources say one of the men, a 19-year-old, wanted to end his life. He was walking along a narrow ledge threatening to jump. The witness told police there was another man also standing on the ledge trying to stop the teen from committing suicide.

The witness heard glass shatter and watched both of them fall to the ground.

The men were then reportedly rushed to a hospital in critical condition, where the older man later died.

According to the school, neither of the men were students.

“It was a terrible tragedy,” a UH spokesperson told Ka Leo O Hawai‘i. “We don’t ever want to see anybody get hurt or killed on campus and our condolences go out to their family.”

[Image via AP Images]