[There was a video here]

Dominyk Alfonseca says he didn’t rob that bank. He just handed a teller a note asking for $150,000 that wasn’t his, collected it from her, walked out with it, and then put photos and videos of the whole thing on Instagram.

“For real, I didn’t even do it for money, you understand? I didn’t do for that money. I knew my pic would get exposure,” said Alfonseca, who was arrested Monday, about half an hour after he left a Virginia Beach Townebank with a bag full of loot.

Here’s the note he gave to the teller:

And here’s the cash she gave him:

[There was a video here]

“I don’t want to get [the teller] in trouble. Maybe she made a mistake. Maybe I didn’t make a mistake; maybe she made a mistake,” Alfonseca told WVEC from jail, grinning.

“Everything is relative, you know what I mean? It’s however you want to take it. I’m telling you why I did what I did, you know what I mean? But if justice is served in that thing, then I think justice shall be served all around.”

The real crime, he maintains, is that people have been stealing ideas from his head for years—using “chips or whatever that they’re putting in people’s brains”—and putting them on Instagram. He hopes his stunt will get the attention of those alleged mind-robbers.

“Exactly what he hoped to accomplish once he had their attention, he wouldn’t specify,” WVEC reported.

[h/t BroBible]