We’ve all done stupid shit when we were kids. A marble up your nose, a toy truck in your butt—no big deal. Doctors got your back. One man, 51-year-old Steve Easton, has lived practically his whole life with a piece of a toy dart in his nose and only now did he learn about it. What a fun surprise!

Easton spoke with The Guardian about a sneezing fit that he endured recently that dislodged the sucker of a toy dart from his nasal cavity, the very same sucker he’d shoved up his nose as a seven-year-old. The sucker, which was the size of a “penny coin,” had been lodged up there for nearly his whole life until he sneezed it out onto his computer at his home in Surrey, England. From The Guardian:

Easton has suffered from the sniffles all his life but as far as he is aware the sucker has caused him no other health issues.

“I brought it up with my doctor and he was amazed like everybody else but said there had been no harm done. It’s just one of those things,” he said. “It had been there in my nasal cavity for 44 years. I was completely unaware that it was in my nose for that long. I feel no different now. I wonder if there’s anything else up there.”

His parents had apparently taken him to the hospital when he was seven but the doctors didn’t find anything, even though his parents had noticed that the rubber tip was missing from the dart.

While we are happy for Easton and his new access to proper breathing patterns, the fact that this story has no photo to show what the sucker looked like after stewing in his nose juices for forty-four years is a huge and egregious oversight.

Image via The Guardian. Contact the author at dayna.evans@gawker.com.