Jonathan Harty, 31, of Lake Steven, Washington was sentenced Friday to 29 months in prison after an April 20 accident that occurred while driving his two young daughters. High on meth, and driving over 100 mph down the highway, Harty eventually crashed into three cars. When officers arrived on the scene, they found Harty wearing prosthetic breasts, a woman’s shirt, and no pants. They also found a full bottle of urine and a pair of ladies panties by his feet. He reportedly told police that he was en route to The Dollar Store to buy toys for his daughters.

This was Harty’s third conviction for a DUI.

After his sentencing, he expressed regret:

"I'd like to apologize to my family and my two daughters," Jonathan Harty told the court Friday. "I don't have any excuse for what I've done. There's no excuse for it. I've made a life-altering decision for a lot of people by my selfish actions."

Relatives say the youngest girl, 4 at the time of the accident, still suffers nightmares is afraid to go anywhere alone.

[Image via KOMO4]