A lawyer representing the Florida man who injured George Zimmerman—who was acquitted of Trayvon Martin’s murder in 2013—in a shooting yesterday says his client was acting in self-defense, WFTV reports.

“He simply maintained that he acted in self-defense,” attorney Mark NeJame said at a press conference Monday evening. “We see everything to suggest that that is correct.”

Earlier that day, Matthew Apperson fired a bullet into the window of Zimmerman’s pickup truck, wounding him with shattered glass. From CNN:

An employee at a nearby business, Kenneth Cornell [...] said Apperson shot Zimmerman after Zimmerman waved a gun.

Apperson’s attorney, Mark NeJame, said his client acted in self defense.

“What happened today, he was legally justified to do,” NeJame said Monday.

But [Don] West, Zimmerman’s lawyer, denied that his client waved a gun. “George absolutely denies pointing a gun, displaying a gun — no aggressive movement toward him at all,” West said.

According to a police spokesperson, Zimmerman and Apperson have been in conflict since at least last year, when Apperson called police to say he felt threatened by Zimmerman.

As of Monday night, neither man has been arrested and no charges have been filed.

[Image via AP Images]