A man who recovered from Ebola in Liberia has reportedly been quarantined in India after traces of the deadly virus showed up in a test of his semen.

The Times of India reports that the man has been isolated in the New Delhi airport since arriving in India on November 10. He reportedly shows no other symptoms of the disease.

"The situation is under control and there is no need for any alarm. However, all precautions are being taken in this regard," India's health ministry said in a statement.

From the Times of India:

He will remain under isolation in the special health facility of Delhi Airport Health Organization till his body fluids test negative and is found medically fit to be discharged, [the Health Ministry said] said, insisting that the man is a treated and cured case of Ebola.

He had carried a certificate of medical clearance from the Liberian government, mentioning that "he has successfully undergone care and treatment related to Ebola and after post treatment assessment has been declared free of any clinical signs and symptoms and confirmed negative by laboratory analysis", the official statement said quoting the Liberian document.

His three blood samples tested here were also found negative for and, therefore, according to WHO and CDC specifications, he is deemed to be cured, it said.

The virus can be detected in semen up to 101 days after the onset of symptoms, though "sexual transmission of Ebola has not been definitively established," according to the CDC.

[Image via AP]