Man On Ex-Gay Organization's Twins Billboard Is Gay, Isn't a Twin

In a hilarious blow to the credibility of an ex-gay organization, a billboard purporting to depict "identical twins: one gay, one not" actual features the same model twice. He is gay, and both of him were born that way.
South African model Kyle Roux reached out to NBC 12 in Richmond, VA, to respond to his image being used on a billboard that sits on I-95 in Richmond. The sign is an advertisement for Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and it claims, "Nobody Is Born Gay."
"It just seems like there no place in today's world for an organization that is promoting this as being some kind of deviant or distasteful lifestyle, because I've lived my life openly gay and happy for my entire life," said Roux, who posed for the pictures about 10 years ago. They were available for use as stock photos.
You can watch the NBC 12 report here.
A PFOX representative responded with a bunch of slimy lies similar to the ones found on the billboard. "The issue isn't the photo on a the billboard, but the actual science," said PFOX board member and counselor Chris Doyle.