The War on Christmas moved to a new battleground this week—a domestic American Airlines flight, where passengers and flight attendants alike alighted with Christmas cheer to overcome a dark force muddling its way down the aisle.

According to the New York Post, the skirmish began when a LaGuardia gate attendant innocently wished a passenger on a Dallas-bound flight a "Merry Christmas" Tuesday.

The grumpy passenger, who appeared to be traveling alone, barked at the woman, "You shouldn't say that because not everyone celebrates Christmas."

The agent replied, "Well, what should I say then?"

"Don't say, 'Merry Christmas!' " the man shouted before brushing past her.

But the fight was not yet won.

Once on the plane, he was warmly greeted by a flight attendant who also wished him a "merry Christmas." That was the last straw.

"Don't say, 'Merry Christmas!' " the man raged before lecturing the attendants and the pilot about their faux pas.

When the man wouldn't stop his "hectoring", the flight crew reportedly turned to the only weapon left in their arsenal—Christmas cheer (and aviation martial law). As staffers began escorting the grinch off the plane, passengers reportedly caught the spirit. We believe in Christmas, they telegraphed, their shining faces burning with fervor as they reportedly "burst into cheers and applause." All is well! All is bright! What'd you get me?

[h/t NY Post, image via AP]