Joseph H. Carl was driving home from a bar in Gainesville, Fla. Tuesday when he rear-ended a car that was stopped at a red light. Drunk and enraged, he got out of his pickup truck and began banging on the windows of the vehicle he'd just hit. If only he'd remembered to put it in park first.

The driver in front of him, justifiably terrified, sped off, freeing Carl's car to begin rolling, the Gainesville Sun reports. He extended his arms in an attempt to stave off the inevitable, but it was too late, and the truck ran him over.

Carl smelled strongly of alcohol when the police arrived, and refused treatment from paramedics. There was a cold, opened Miller High Life and several other empty beer cans inside the truck, but the man insisted to cops that he didn't drink and drive. When they asked about the empties, he reportedly told them "he was only drinking while he drove home."

The 48-year-old refused a breathalyzer test but failed field sobriety tests, and was arrested for DUI. Eventually, he was taken to University of Florida Health Shands Hospital for treatment of fractures on his foot and hand. There, he blew a .22 blood-alcohol level, three times Florida's legal limit.

[Image via Gainesville Sun]