A Chinese man narrowly escaped a bloody death over the weekend after he leaped into a zoo's white tiger enclosure and attempted to get himself eaten. He was apprehended by zookeepers and escaped with only minor injuries.

Yang Jinhai, whom the Daily Mail describes as "mentally disturbed," was unsatisfied with recent jobs he has held. The Mail describes the leap from work dissatisfaction to human sacrifice as one he viewed as humanitarian:

After going to the local zoo he wrote how depressing it was to see the 'noble and magnificent tigers' living in such humble surroundings, where they were caged and unable to follow their natural instincts to hunt and kill.

He then announced that he had decided to sacrifice himself in order to provide the Bengal tigers with support.

On Sunday he went through with his plan, leaping into the enclosure with a backpack full of rice. He danced around and smeared red liquid on the windows of the enclosure, trying to provoke the two white tigers within. But the beasts were mostly confused.

Finally, one of them acquiesced to the man's apparent wishes, dragging him around the enclosure a bit and leaving him with minor bites and scratches. But overall, the effort was unsuccessful: zookeepers quickly tranquilized the tiger, which had already been fed that day, and apprehended the failed meal. He has been sent to a psychiatric facility.

[Images via Getty and the Daily Mail]