At least one person was killed and two more were injured Friday during an attack at a gas factory near Lyon, France. The victim was decapitated, and a message—reportedly written in Arabic—was found inscribed on or near his body.

French President Francois Hollande said a suspect has been arrested. Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve told reporters that the suspect, who is from the Lyons-area, was “somebody who was in touch with (Muslim fundamentalist) Salafists.”

From CNN:

An intelligence report was opened on the man in 2006 because of suspected radicalization, he said, but this was not renewed in 2008.

“He has been under surveillance, but he was not known as being involved in any terrorist act,” Cazeneuve said. French authorities are “investigating any other people that could be accomplices,” he added.

“The dangerous elements were neutralized immediately after the crime was committed,” he said.

The suspect, who has not been identified yet, reportedly crashed into the facility with a car just after 10 am local time in an apparent attempt to trigger an explosion. “We have no doubt that the attack was to blow up the building. It bears the hallmarks of a terrorist attack,” Hollande said at a press conference, according to the BBC.

UPDATE 10:03 am: “The decapitated victim was reportedly the manager of a transport company in the Lyon area, which was subcontracted by Air Products,” according to The Independent.

“Investigators suspect that the attacker, or attackers, may have hijacked his vehicle and murdered him, knowing that his truck was authorized to enter the factory.”

UPDATE 10:50 am:

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