One Santa Cruz man's Halloween costume was a hit—his Fox News reporter costume was apparently so convincing, he was allegedly attacked by 29-year-old Sean Kory during a parade. According to police, Kory, yelling "I hate Fox News!" grabbed a fake microphone that was part of the man's costume, shoved it down the man's pants and rubbed it against his crotch.

Kory then allegedly chased the man in the Fox News getup with a tennis racket and according to the San Jose Mercury News, also "made an obscene gesture." The paper reports that the man wasn't injured in Kory's alleged attack. He called police, who arrested Kory after a brief chase.

Now, I know what you're thinking: Does Kory's mugshot, as some outlets (like Yahoo) have suggested, dethrone Jeremy Meeks as the hottest (allegedly) criminal mugshot in America? You tell us.

[Image via CBS San Francisco]