As a couple was getting married Saturday in a Catholic church in Salt Lake City, a second couple was allegedly busy having sex on the church's lawn. Specifically, police say they caught the man with "his tongue and finger inside of [the woman's] vagina."

When a wedding goer spotted Sandra Kruser and Wilson Benally mid-oral sex, the guest was so distraught she "ran into the road to stop" a passing police officer. Officer Rich Stone pulled over and walked to the churn lawn, where he approached the couple.

"I walked over to the couple and I physically saw the sex act," Stone reported, adding that Benally "had his tongue and finger inside of Ms. Krusen's vagina."

Stone told the couple to stop but they refused. Eventually, Stone had to pull them apart.

At least four children from the wedding party spotted the sex act, according to Stone's report.

Kruser and Benally were arrested for gross lewdness and public intoxication; Benally was also charged with criminal trespass. Both are being held on bond.

[The Smoking Gun]