A Florida man who confessed to shooting and killing his neighbor after an alleged struggle brought the dead man's body to his lawyer's office in his pickup truck Wednesday. According to the Fort Myers News-Press, the man "didn't know who else to trust."

John Marshall, 52, reportedly showed up bleeding with broken thumbs and teeth, and told his attorney, Robert Harris, that he had acted in self-defense. He said he'd wrestled a gun away from his neighbor during a scuffle.

Marshall and his late neighbor, later identified as Ted Hubbell, had apparently argued about "some property work" days earlier. Marshall called his attorney, saying he thought his life was in danger.

Harris said he advised Marshall to get a restraining order.

After spending all of Wednesday in the lawyer's office, Marshall left for the hospital around 10 p.m, the News-Press reported. The Lee County Sheriff's Office hasn't said whether he'll be arrested.

Harris told the paper that although bringing a dead body into the office was certainly unusual, it wasn't the worst thing his client could have done.

"They don't teach you about this in law school. That's for sure," he said. "I believe we've handled ourselves correctly, but I'm a little in shock myself. This is not something that happens every day."

Neighbors later told the News-Press that they knew Hubbell as a Buddhist pacifist who was never loud or aggressive, while Marshall was "very threatening and aggressive." The two were apparently in a dispute about a portable outhouse that Marshall had set up near Hubbell's property.

[Photo: Lee County Sheriff's Office]