A judge banned a man from the internet for pulling a series of dangerous "pranks" on his neighbor, including posting a fake Craigslist ad that requested nude male suitors.

In November 2012, Jason Willis, 31, placed a fake personal Craigslist ad for his neighbor in Waterford, Wisconsin. Not long later, his neighbor said several men, one of whom was dressed only in a trench coat, arrived at her door.

"He had my full name. He knew my address. And he said, 'Oh, I got it off of Craigslist. You put an ad on there," the neighbor told TMJ4.

Willis pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 30 months probation that includes a ban from the internet.

"If you want to drive drunk, you're not allowed to drive," Judge Allen Torhorst said. "To me, a public availability of the internet—to use it the way he did—is unconscionable."

Willis has 30 days to disconnect his internet service. His neighbor, for one, is thankful for the ban.

"His idea of a joke is much different than other people's," she said.

[via Uproxx]