Turkey’s Prime Minister Binali Yildirim confirmed Friday that a faction of the military launched an attempted coup amidst reports of low-flying jets, tanks, and blocked bridges. The military, for its part, claimed in a statement that the government has been overthrown.

Reports of an unusual military presence began filtering in around 3:45 p.m. The government has since reportedly blocked access to Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

Throughout, the country’s state TV channel blithely broadcasted weather reports, though a photo circulated by a BuzzFeed reporter appears to show soldiers inside the channel’s offices. By 4:30 the channel appeared to be completely offline.

Still, reports posted to Twitter indicate the military blocked off two of Istanbul’s main bridges and surrounded the airport and Army HQ in Ankara with tanks.

In a statement, the military claimed a successful coup.

“Turkish Armed Forces have completely taken over the administration of the country to reinstate constitutional order, human rights and freedoms, the rule of law and the general security that was damaged,” the group said in a statement. “All international agreements are still valid. We hope that all of our good relationships with all countries will continue.”

Unconfirmed reports indicate Turkey’s president, Recep Ergodan, was arrested. He was apparently on vacation at the time.

UPDATE (6:08 p.m.) As part of the coup, the Turkish military took control of TRT, one of the country’s several state-run television networks. Soon thereafter, state broadcaster Tijan Karas read a statement prepared by the military which apparently referred to Ergodan as a “traitor,” though we are unable to independently verify that.

[There was a video here]

Later, Erogdan gave an interview via FaceTime to the independently run CNN Türk:

[There was a video here]

UPDATE (10:04pm) President Erdogan returned to Turkey early Saturday morning local time, reports the New York Times and others, a signal that the coup may not be succeeding.

UPDATE (11:30 pm) The Turkish prosecutor’s office says at least 42 people were killed in the coup.

UPDATE (12:15 am) BuzzFeed reports the death toll has risen to at least 60.

This is a breaking news post. We will update it as additional information is confirmed.