To his supporters, Vladimir Putin is Hercules, he is Atlas, riding shirtless on his noble steed or soaring over the Arctic with a flock of Siberian cranes. Fitting, then, that at a birthday art show for the Russian president in Moscow this week, the paintings looked like this:

Putin himself, who just turned 62, was not able to attend the opening of The 12 Labors of Putin on Tuesday—he was celebrating "in the Siberian wilderness," the Agence France-Presse reports:

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Putin had taken a day off from his "extremely intense" agenda to celebrate his birthday in the depths of Siberia.

"This place is some 300 to 400 kilometres away from the nearest settlement," Peskov told the Komsomolskaya Pravda tabloid, saying the president worked virtually around the clock and needed a breather.

"He will rest," he said, declining to say whether Putin would have company in Siberia.

[Screenshots via YouTube]