When the above footage was posted on the website and social media properties of West Virginia's WVNS-TV (channel 59) earlier this week, it caused such outrage that it was almost immediately pulled.

Thankfully, nothing on the Internet ever truly goes away, because this is really something to behold.

59 News reporter Jessie Gavin is on a ride-along with Corporal C.D. McCormick of the Beckley Police Department — something she has apparently done before in an effort to "chase down stories."

The ostensible reason for this ride-along appears to be an attempt to catch drivers in the act of violating the state's distracted-driving law, which just became a primary offense on July 1st.

Officer McCormick, Gavin, and Gavin's cameraman can be seen following a car into a parking lot, at which point the driver, unaware that he was being tailed, gets out of the vehicle.

And Officer McCormick just goes nuts.

(At around the 1:50 mark, McCormick can be heard saying something that sounds an awful lot like "put that on the news and I'll kill ya.")

After a sharp edit, the footage cuts to the officer handing out a couple of citations, and then being asked for his name and the name of his superior.

The exchange concludes, and that's when Gavin and the cameraman slide in to "confront" the man.

The reporter initially introduces herself and identifies the news station that employs her.

But after it becomes clear that the driver is in the process of filing a complaint against the officer for unnecessary roughness, Gavin suddenly clams up.

"After everyone's done left the scene, gone, you're not gonna be able to get [unintelligible] and everybody's gonna have to take my word for it, so what I need from you and you is y'alls names," the driver tells Gavin.

"Of what?" a nonplussed Gavin responds. "Your names," the driver exclaims, "so when I go file a complaint I have witnesses to the fact that that officer was very rude."

"Okay, I didn't see him being rude," Gavin says.

"Were you in the vehicle?" asks the incredulous driver, to which Gavin replies in the affirmative. "And you did not hear him screaming and hollering?"

The back and forth goes on for a bit longer with Gavin continuing to balk at repeating her name, and ends with the man asking that none of the footage be used on the air.

In fact, not only did 59 News upload the video online, but, according to one viewer, a version that was broadcast on the evening news "was edited so as the man seemed uncontrollable and was in the wrong."

With the video now back online, many have taken to the news station's Facebook page to demand justice for the driver.

[H/T: Reddit]