[There was a video here]

Rapper Lil Wayne famously told Katie Couric, "I'm a gangster, Miss Katie," during a 2009 interview and the two have been good friends ever since, or so she wants us to believe. He was the first guest on today's Season 2 premiere of her daytime talk show, Katie. "Weezy and I look like an odd couple, right?" she asked all the moms who'd come to watch them talk.

Wayne discussed his seizures from earlier this year, attributing them to "dehydration, working too much, no sleep." He added, "I’m sorta epileptic," and that he fainted once when he was little. He went out of his way to deny that the drink known as syrup — codeine cough syrup and soda — was the cause of his problems, saying he wasn't drinking a lot of it during the time of his seizures. He offered instead that pain pills may have played a part. Like syrup, the pills, too, had codeine in them and have been championed frequently in Wayne's verses.

He says his doctor telling him to tell his mom to tell him to kill the pills helped him achieve his current codeine-free lifestyle. He also told a story about his mom encouraging him to drop out of school (she saw him packing his gun and thought better of sending him back, telling him to get his GED instead). Wayne listens to his mother.

Finally, there was a segment in which Katie got her minivan ride pimped and it seemed really stupid and superfluous and not at all worth running during an interview until they cut back to the "odd couple" ROTFL over all of the enhancements Katie's minivan had received. Weezy wheezing, "You got sheepskins!" deserves meme status.