Leaked: "Asshole" Adam Sandler Demanded $200 Million Candy Land Movie

One of the first leaked documents to come out of the Sony hack revealed numerous employee complaints about producing "mundane, formulaic" Adam Sandler movies. But according to emails recently uncovered by The Daily Beast, frustrations with Sandler were shared by Sony Pictures head Amy Pascal, who referred to the comedian and his production company Happy Madison as "assholes" on at least two occasions.
After a September incident where Sandler allegedly cornered Sony execs to demand, point-blank, that the studio commit to producing his reportedly $200 million Candy Land adaptation, Pascal called Sandler "an asshile [sic]" in an email, writing:
Adam is an asshile [sic] and this is more his fault than anyone's but what we did was not communicate with each other and make assumptions maybe I didn't pay attention when you were telling me what I was walking into but it also comes from a non alien meant between us all and too many people doing everything and no one taking responsibility and I mean myself as it is my responsibility to let you guys know what I want to breath [sic] life into
Later, while discussing a fee dispute over Hotel Transylvania 2, Pascal similarly disparaged Sandler's team as a whole, telling another executive, "They are such assholes."
Just for reference, at $200 million, Candy Land would tie Titanic, Spider-Man 2 and Iron Man 3 as the 22nd most expensive film ever made. Perhaps more troublingly, however, it would still be $9 million cheaper than 2012 board game to big screen adaptation Battleship.
[Image via AP Images]