The man who shot himself at the M Resort this past Sunday blamed his suicide on being banned from the buffet that had once promised him free meals for life, according to an indexed, 270-page suicide note mailed to the Las Vegas Review Journal.

His final message, which was supplemented by both photographs and DVDs, attributes his depression to the "M Resort Spa Casino and its employees," who had awarded him free meals for life before banning him once he began to harass some of the hotel's female employees. From the Review Journal:

“Today, I end my life due to the M Resort Spa Casino and its employees,” Noble wrote in one of two suicide notes he included with an obsessively detailed dossier on the people he blamed for destroying his life....

The second to last page, titled “The Curse,” spells out all the harm he wishes on those he believed wronged him. Included on the list are several women who worked at M Resort’s Studio B Buffet and who Noble showered with gifts and unwanted attention after he won meals for life there in September 2010.

The note also describes a suicide threat he'd made back on Easter of 2013, just a few weeks after he first lost his buffet privileges, which resulted in brief stay at a state psychiatric hospital.

No one else was injured during the shooting, though witnesses were obviously traumatized.

"Families must have been terrified," one bystander said. "Kids shouldn’t have to experience that, no one should."

Image via Yelp.

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