Nearly a week after he was found on the floor of a Las Vegas brothel, former NBA star Lamar Odom has reportedly been moved to a hospital in Los Angeles to recover.

According to E! News, Odom was discharged from Sunrise Hospital in Las Vegas on Monday and moved in a helicopter along with Khloe Kardashian. Says E! News:

As we reported earlier today, Odom’s transfer to L.A. was pending his condition remaining stable. Doctors were in the early stages of working out the logistics of how the athlete would be transported to SoCal, because Lamar’s stature previously prohibited him from being airlifted in a helicopter.

Odom, who collapsed last Tuesday after reports of a “three day bender” taking cocaine and “herbal Viagra,” is reportedly still on dialysis due to kidney failure. On Friday, news reports said that Odom awoke from his coma and was able to form words, and, later, to get up from his bed and breathe without the help of a ventilator.

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