Six months after a fatal Malibu car crash left one woman dead, the LA Sheriff’s department is recommending Caitlyn Jenner be charged with vehicular manslaughter because she was traveling at an unsafe speed when the accident occurred.

Investigators say that although she was driving under the speed limit, her speed was reportedly “too fast for the day’s road conditions.”

“He should have either been going 0 or just barely rolling,” because traffic was at a standstill, a source tells TMZ.

The recommended charge is only a misdemeanor, so Jenner is facing—at most—up to a year in prison and/or a monetary fine. But because detectives determined there was “nothing egregious” about her conduct that day, there’s only a “50/50” chance she’ll be charged, Det. Richard Curry of the L.A. County Sheriff’s Dept. tells Variety.

The District Attorney’s office is expected to decide whether or not to charge her next week. But legal experts tell ABC News that even if she is charged and convicted, she’s unlikely to serve time because she has a clean driving record.

Jenner is also facing two civil suits stemming from the accident.

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