A fancy shmancy restaurant located inside a Los Angeles County museum is taking pretension as art to its illogical conclusion by introducing what it calls "LA's most extensive Water Menu."

The 45-page, 20-item water list at Ray's and Stark Bar consists of select H2O "experiences" from ten different countries at costs ranging from $8 to $20 per bottle.

To help you choose the water that's right for your discerning palate, the restaurant offers the services of its general manager Martin Riese — the world's foremost certified Water Sommelier.

From the press release:

Apart from the more typical Fiji, S. Pellegrino, and Evian-type varieties, the Water Menu includes many mineral waters that are rarely found in the United States. Ray's & Stark Bar presents the Water Menu in booklet-form, attributing an entire page for each varietal that is complete with tasting notes, mineral content, bottle price, and photos. The menu is organized by country, as Riese notes that terroir affects water in the same way that it affects wine, and thus, flavor profiles can be detected from country to country.

No word yet on which of its high-end waters the restaurant plans to make available on tap.

For a refresher on just how bullshit bottled water is, please enjoy this classic clip from Penn & Teller's too-short-lived Showtime series Bullshit!:

UPDATE: If you want a first-hand account of what it's like to pay for overpriced water, read this.

[H/T: 22Words, images via Ray's & Stark]