Looks like we published The Year in Mass Shootings too early: Last night, a Louisiana man went on a shooting rampage, killing his current wife, his ex-mother-in-law, his former boss, and injuring three others before committing suicide.

At about 6:40 p.m., Ben Freeman, 38, drove to the home of Louis Gouaux, his former father-in-law and a local Lafourche Parish councilman, and opened fired, killing Gouaux's wife, Pixie, and wounding Gouaux and his daughter, Andrea. Freeman's ex-wife Jeanne Gouaux was not home at the time.

Next, Freeman shot and killed Milton Bourgeois, Freeman's former boss at St. Anne General Hospital, at Bourgeois's home. Bourgeois's wife was also shot but is expected to survive.

Three other local hospitals where Freeman worked were placed on lockdown until police found Freeman alongside a highway, dead from a self-inflicted shotgun wound. Police later discovered Freeman's current wife, Denise Taylor Freeman, dead in the couple's home.

"Clearly, there has been a very difficult and complicated divorce/custody issue going on," Lafourche Parish Sheriff Craig Webre said of the shooting, adding that Freeman had pleaded guilty to harassment charges and was allowed only supervised visits with his four children with Gouaux.