According to Mitt Romney’s decisively grim Twitter bio, he is simply “Former Governor of Massachusetts”—no more, no less. But it’s time to stop dwelling on the past. Because today, Mitt Romney has found love in former World Champion boxer Evander Holyfield—and that love is the sweetest victory of all.

It all started as your usual, run-of-the-mill former governor vs. world champion boxer charity match. But before Romney and Holyfield can step into the ring tonight, they had to weigh-in. At which point—everything changed.

Oh how they laughed! The smiles came easy, emotions unencumbered by the neuroses that plague so many relationships in these early stages.“Do you drink coffee” Romney whispers, tentatively. “Neve—nevermind. It doesn’t matter.”

They couldn’t take their eyes off each other.

And who can blame them? If you’re lucky enough to have found that which fills the emptiness inside—an emptiness ravaged by failed presidential dreams and similarly failed haircuts—you never want to let it go.

We wish the happy couple the best in all their future endeavors.

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