According to a lengthy press release put out by Kim Davis’ attorney, the Pope squeezed some time into his busy schedule last week for a one-on-one meeting with everyone’s least favorite (and notably non-Catholic!) county clerk, Kim Davis. During which, the Pope reportedly thanked Kim “for her courage” and told her to “stay strong.”

From the Liberty Counsel’s release:

Pope Francis also told Kim Davis, “Stay strong. He held out his hands and asked Kim to pray for him. Kim held his hands and said, “I will. Please pray for me,” and the Pope said he would. The two embraced. The Pontiff presented Kim and Joe Davis each with a Rosary that he personally blessed. Kim’s mother and father are Catholic, and Kim and Joe will present the Rosaries to her parents.

For her part, Kim Davis was apparently shocked and delighted to discover that the Pope was one of her many adoring fans. “I was humbled to meet Pope Francis,” she said. “Of all people, why me? I never thought I would meet the Pope. Who am I to have this rare opportunity? I am just a County Clerk who loves Jesus and desires with all my heart to serve him.”

Who is she—just a County Clerk who loves Jesus and desires with all her heart to serve him—to have this rare opportunity, indeed? That is a great question—and one for which we are still waiting on an answer. Gawker has reached out to the Vatican for confirmation on this rarest of meet-and-greets, and will update when and if we hear back.

In the meantime, some quick detective works shows us that, according to Twitter, the Pope was busy from early morning until he left his final stop in DC on the 24 (the day of their purported meeting) at around 12:47 p.m.

According to the Pope’s official itinerary, his flight to New York arrived at 5 p.m., which means his plane most likely took off at around 3:40 p.m. This would leave the the Pope and Kim maybe some time for a secret rendezvous—particularly if they chose to hold their meeting at the airport itself. On the other hand, that is an awfully tight window.

But then again, who are we to question this humble County Clerk who loves Jesus and desires with all her heart to serve him? Let he that is without sin among you cast the first kinja.

[h/t CBS]

Update 9:19 a.m.:

Kim Davis spoke to ABC this morning about her clandestine tête-à-tête with popular Twitter personality Pope Francis, and according to her, there was plenty of hand-holding and hugging and effusive words of support to go around.

As Davis told ABC:

It was really very humbling to even think that he would want to meet me or know me. I put my hand out and he reached and he grabbed it and I hugged him and he hugged me and he said ‘thank you for your courage.’ He told me before he left, he said ‘stay strong’ and that was a great encouragement. Just knowing the Pope is on track with what we’re doing and agreeing kind of validates everything.

(After which, the Pope presumably told Kim that she can totally come hang out at the Vatican you know, whenever, and she can even get her own popemobile to ride around in anytime she wants because she is so smart and cool.)

While the Pope did tell reporters on the flight back that “conscientious objection is a human right, even for government officials,” according to Reuters, Vatican chief spokesman Father Federico Lombardi “would neither confirm nor deny the report and that there would be no further statement. This was unusual for the Vatican, which normally issues either denials or confirmations.”

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