Justin Bieber is expected to plead guilty to careless driving and resisting an officer without violence charges today in exchange for the state of Florida dropping a DUI charge. He was arrested by police in Miami earlier this year for allegedly drag racing and driving under the influence.

Sources told the Miami Herald that Bieber will also be required to attend 12 hours of private anger-management courses and "view online videos that depict the stories of real-life, tragic DUI cases." He'll also make a $50,000 charitable donation.

Following his arrest by police in January, Bieber admitted to having smoked marijuana and taken Xanax before getting behind the wheel of his yellow Lamborghini. From the Herald:

But the evidence against him was never overwhelming—in police surveillance videos, he did not appear staggeringly intoxicated, and his blood-alcohol level was well below the legal limit.

Bieber's friend, Khalil Sharieff, who was riding in the passenger seat and was also arrested by police, is expected to make a similar plea deal, the Herald reports.

[Image via Getty]