Judge Agrees to Release Censored Videos of Justin Bieber's Penis
Pop star and forever-teen Justin Bieber, 20/M/Canada, continues to fight charges of driving under the influence with an expired license, and videos of the Biebs taking a urine test have been entered into evidence. Yes, Justin Bieber's penis is now a matter of public record.
But Miami-Dade County Judge William Altfield has decided that Bieber's right to privacy outweighs the public's right to know what the pop star's dick looks like. He agreed to release five police videos of Bieber, including two clips of the urine test, but only after authorities "shade or blacken" the singer's genitals.
Bieber was arrested Jan. 23 in South Beach, after police saw him racing a Lamborghini against his friend Khalil Amir Sharieff's Ferrari. Biebs tested positive for marijuana and Xanax, picking up a DUI charge in the process, but neither driver was charged with drag racing.
The videos of Bieber's blurred-out junk are expected to become public in the next few days. Meanwhile, police photos documenting all of his tattoos have already been released.