Actor Judd Hirsch (Taxi, Jeff Goldblum's Dad in Independence Day) would like to rid himself of that dang electric grid. To do so, he would like to build a 177-foot-tall electric wind turbine that will stand alone on his property. To Judd's neighbors in small Denning, New York, that's 15 stories of sheer terror.

"We didn't move here expecting to live underneath this giant turbine," petition organizer Tiffany Gillman told the New York Times. Neighbors have been trying to get Hirsch to stop the project before it's ever built. But Hirsch is pretty excited about the idea of being completely self-sufficient and has told residents that they won't see or even hear it.

This doesn't reassure Gilman, however:

"Our everything, our heart and soul, is in this place," she said. They also have a 2-year-old son.

"I just think of him," said Ms. Gillman, her voice halted by tears, "and I think about us being up there in that orchard, and those blades spinning, and this thing coming out of the landscape for the rest of our lives now. It feels like everything that we worked for, and everything we sacrificed for, is at risk."

Whoa, lady. It's just a massive turbine!

Hirsch is dismissive of the haters. "Their fears, in my estimation, are baloney," he said. "Behind it, I believe, is the pollution of jealousy and the pollution of stupidity."

The pollution of stupidity. Nice. The town board decides the fate of Hirsch's windmill next month. He was right about Area 51, so when in doubt, trust Judd.