In his retirement from public office, John Boehner is a man whose lawn maintenance has become far more important than the looming crisis in his political party. “I’m not really interested in getting in the middle of all this,” the former Speaker of the House said, just before he inserted himself back into the middle of all this.

In the lead up to Tuesday’s voting, Boehner endorsed fellow Ohian Gov. John Kasich for the Ohio Republican primary on Saturday night, according to The New York Times.

The speech, delivered to a small group in Butler County, Ohio, and marked the first public appearance since Boehner ended his speakership a broken, blubbering man. As to why he chose Kasich, Boehner, likely thinking of the greener pastures where he now belongs, sitting quietly under an oak tree with a glass of iced tea, said: “He’s my friend.”

[Image via Getty]

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