This week the Vice President and Social Chair of the United States groped the wife of Ashton Carter as he was sworn in as Secretary of Defense. This was funny—Joe Biden, he's wacky!—but also sort of not funny and indicative of a creepy, creepy trend.

Biden's questionable "hold your shoulders from behind while I whisper in your ear" maneuver might've been merely funny if it were a one-off, or prom:

But it wasn't either of those things: it was Joe Biden acting in his capacity as veep, and just the latest installation in a long collection of Groping Joe Moments:

He's creeped on a senator's young daughter.

He's creeped on a congressman's wife.

He's creeped on a biker.

He's very fond of the touching from behind—generally frowned upon with strangers.

He clutched two elderly woman at once.

You're not supposed to touch children like that if they aren't your children.

He was very affectionate at a soldier's funeral.

He touched this other little girl who was in turn touching her stuffed dog (that last part is OK).

Did he really need to kiss this elderly supporter on the lips while touching her with both hands? I can't be certain but probably not.


Senator Chris Coons' daughter looks uncomfortable in this clearer view.

Joe Biden went in for the kiss with an usher at the Little League World Series.

Maybe he's just a very warm man. Maybe he's more affectionate than almost all other adults. But ask yourself this: if this were any other male politician, would we be so quick to add it to the meme pile? Try this: look at all of those photos and imagine, say, Paul Ryan's face instead of Biden's.

All photos via Getty and AP