Jimmy McMillan, the prodigiously bearded spirit animal of New York City, is running for governor of New York again.

The New York Daily News reports that McMillan filed a petition for candidacy in the November gubernatorial with the state board of elections, hoping to run, of course, on the "Rent is 2 Damn High" party line.

McMillan made his name in the 2010 gubernatorial election—that's him seated next to shady Democratic incumbent Andrew Cuomo and Carl Paladino in a 2010 debate above—and ran for mayor of NYC last year. This year he'll face off against the winner of the Andrew Cuomo-Zephyr Teachout Democratic primary and Republican Rob Astorino.

Unfortunately, Cuomo has been evasive on the topic of debate lately, so we may not get a chance to see our generation's greatest orator grill him on that ethics report. We'll always have his 2010 performance:

[Image via AP]