Photo: AP

According to TMZ, Jared Fogle has been assigned to cafeteria duty at Federal Correction Institution Englewood—serving sandwiches. Fogle was moved to the correctional officers’ cafeteria after receiving a beating from an inmate who objected to the former Subway pitchman having hired “paid protection.”

Steven Nigg “couldn’t help himself,” hitting Fogle “5 or 6 times” at the Colorado prison, the inmate’s brother, Jimmy, told Radar Online.

“Jared has money and you can buy inmates to protect you—that set Steve off,” Jimmy said. “He has paid protection, he had bodyguards around him. One of them or another child molester must have been the witness [to the fight].”

“This isn’t the first time [Steven has] hit a child molester,” Jimmy told Radar. “It’s just the first time he got caught.”