A construction crane in Midtown Manhattan dropped a colossal air conditioning unit onto Madison Avenue on Sunday, shearing the side of an office building and injuring 10 people, The Wall Street Journal reports.

Officials say two construction workers and eight pedestrians sustained minor injuries from falling debris after the crane’s cable snapped at around 10:45 a.m and the 4-ton HVAC unit tumbled 30 stories down.

“Thank goodness this occurs at this hour, on a weekend, when there were not many people around” Mayor de Blasio said at a press conference today. “Obviously, this is a very serious incident. There will be a full investigation.”

Multiple witnesses compared the accident to a train wreck.

“It was like a train car fell off the side of the building,” a bystander told the NBC New York.

“It sounded like a freight train,” another told the New York Post.

[Image via AP Images]