Quick math problem: Lindsay Lohan has 17 days (not counting weekends) to do 115 hours of community service or she goes back to jail. Lindsay does 0 hours on Monday and 0 hours on Tuesday. How fucked is she?

According to the Daily News, very.

Lohan, who has lived in London since late last year to perform in the David Mamet play “Speed the Plow,” landed in New York Tuesday afternoon, forcing school officials at Duffield Children’s Center in Fort Greene to fumble for excuses to explain the star’s absence on her first day of class.

The tardiness left a source familiar with Lohan’s predicament “speechless,” especially considering the actress claimed she was “home in nyc” in social media posts Monday—even though she was most likely still in London.

She’s expected to begin Wednesday in the way one might also expect that check you’ve been waiting for to get dropped off today. Who knows! It could happen!

Current hours tally: holding steady at “almost 10”/125

Image via AP. Contact the author at gabrielle@gawker.com.