On Sunday, the Islamic State released a new, 17-minute video threatening to attack the United Kingdom and other “coalition” countries. In it, nine men, thought to be those who carried out the November Paris attacks, are seen executing prisoners in ISIS-controlled territory in the Middle East.

In the video (which can be seen here), the men are identified by their noms de guerre—including Bilal Hadfi, Samy Amimour, and Abdelhamid Abaaoud. From the Guardian:

If the identities of the men in the video are confirmed as those who carried out the Paris attacks, it would indicate that the nine men were not only influenced by Isis – but rather were coordinated by the group from strongholds in Syria and Iraq.

The video seemingly aims to show that the attackers, some of whom had French and Belgian passports, had committed atrocities and trained in Isis-held territory.

According to the New York Times, it’s unclear why it took so long for ISIS to release this video, which they began teasing in this month’s issue of Dabiq.

One of the attackers, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, is not depicted executing anyone, but appears in a room with the flag of ISIS. “We will not stop fighting you in every part of the world regardless of whether you are on a tourism trip or a work trip,” he tells the camera, speaking in French. “So expect more. Expect a mujahid to show up to kill you.”

Contact the author of this post: brendan.oconnor@gawker.com.