A group calling themselves the Islamic State Hacking Division has purportedly posted the names, photos, and home addresses of 100 U.S. military service members, urging followers to kill them.

The service members' personal information was apparently not obtained through hacks on government servers (though the Islamic State claims as much), a Defense Department official told the New York Times, because all the personal information allegedly collated by ISIS "could be found in public records, residential address search sites and social media."

According to the Times, the hit list appears to have been put together using names of service members mentioned, cited, or quoted in news articles about airstrikes on ISIS. And while some of the people included on the list are indeed active duty service members, a defense official confirmed to NBC News, there are others, the Times reports, "who have had nothing to do with the bombing campaigns":

For instance, the list includes B-52 crew members stationed in Louisiana and North Dakota, but the air campaign is not using those bombers, the Defense Department official said. Several women are included on the list, but their faces in the photos were blurred. One of the photos appears to be at an official meeting with President Obama.

A handful of military personnel identified spoke (anonymously) to ABC News, and none seem particularly intimidated by the list. "I wouldn't say I'm scared," one told the network.

[Image via AP]