On Saturday night, a Florida woman broadcast her alleged drunken driving escapades onto Periscope, Twitter’s live video app. “I am drunk,” Whitney Marie Beall said at one point. “This is horrible!”

She continued:

“I’m driving. I think I’m on a flat tire. This is horrible…Goodbye red light…This song is super hot, I want you guys to know.”

The video quickly spread online, WTSP reports, and concerned viewers sent the woman text messages begging her to stop driving. The Lakeland, Florida, police were also contacted by a viewer who was able to identify a few landmarks near Beall. Somewhat amazingly, Lakeland police officers are forbidden from using Periscope on work computers, so an officer had to use a personal account to track the 23-year-old alleged drunk driver. Eventually, they determined her exact location and an officer attempted to pull her over. Beall did not surrender quietly. From WTSP:

Her vehicle abruptly hit the south curb with the right front tire/wheel just as officer’s initiated a traffic stop. Officers advised that the driver did not even brake after striking the curb. Beall’s vehicle stopped in the 1000 block of Carpenters Way. Officers advised that they smelled the odor of an alcoholic beverage emanating from Beall, her speech was slow; her eyes were bloodshot and glossy.

As you might expect, after completely failing her field sobriety test, Beall was arrested and charged with DUI.