You know what would be a fun way to spend your Saturday night? Playing hide and seek with a huge group of Dutch people at an IKEA in Amsterdam. IKEA is wicked stressful, and that stress could be alleviated with some childhood revelry among plastic laptops and display couches. IKEA's bosses, however, have to disagree.

The AP reports that after 19,000 people signed up for a fun game of hide and seek at an IKEA store in Amsterdam, and nearly 13,000 signed up for a game in Utrecht, the big guys at IKEA HQ decided to squash the activities. Too dangerous, Martina Smedberg, a spokesperson for the company, said today:

"In general we are happy that our customers are playful and want to have fun together with friends and family," Smedberg said. "But unfortunately this hide and seek phenomenon has reached proportions where we can no longer guarantee the security of those who are playing or our customers and employees."

The company reached out to the event organizers, asking them to "have their hide and seek games somewhere else."

Party at your house, see you there.

[Image via AP]