"It was the craziest thing," said Robin Sandusky, 31, who before yesterday afternoon used to be a person like you who never ate a salad with a lizard head in it. "After a few bites, I look down at my fork, and think, 'Oh, is that a piece of asparagus?' And then I saw that it had eyes, and an arm."

And here I thought the best quote that I'd read today would be, "Pimps are like eagles. They soar by themselves."

"Where in New York can I find this wonderful quarter lizard?" you may be wondering to yourself. Sandusky told the New York Post that she picked it out of a salad she ordered from Guy & Gallard's 240 W. 40th Street location. She paid $6 for a story she will undoubtedly get mileage out of for decades to come. What a bargain. Everybody all rush to G&G at once...now!

The Post talked to the deli manager:

"Honestly, I've never heard of something like this," a deli manager said.

"I've never even seen a lizard in New York!"

Well now you have. Or at least, you know, part of one.

The store's manager and a managing partner both told NBC 4 New York that they didn't see proof of the lizard, which means quarter lizard still may be at large, waiting to strike your kale salad and turn you into someone that various news organizations interview for a day or so.