Lionsgate announced today that it will join entertainment companies in the U.S. and the Netherlands to squeeze more money from red hot dystopian teen-on-teen murder nightmare franchise The Hunger Games.

From the AP:

Lionsgate, Dutch media company Imagine Nation and U.S.-based Triangular Entertainment said Friday that the stage spectacular featuring "innovative and immersive staging techniques" will open in 2016 at a new venue beside London's Wembley Stadium.

Variety reports the show will be produced by Robin de Levita, who recently created a 360-degree rotating auditorium for a production of the Dutch musical Soldier of Orange in Holland. Maybe for this production the audience will be part of the population of poverty-stricken District 12 and two members of the audience will be forced to fight to the death during each performance? Just thinking out loud, I am not a theatre producer!

Lionsgate Chief Marketing Officer Tim Palen spoke about de Levita's involvement:

"Robin de Levita and the entire production team are the perfect partners for extending 'The Hunger Games' franchise into a live theatrical experience. Their creative genius, combined with world-class production values and state-of-the-art technology will provide a uniquely immersive experience for fans around the world."

The show will open in the year following the November 2015 release of Mockingjay: Part 2.

What Hunger Games related treat awaits us in 2017, I wonder? (Probably this!)

[image via Lionsgate]