Broken retail megalith Target is now just trying to reach its bottom, so that it may one day rise again. Yesterday, the company laid off 1,700 workers at its headquarters—not a big surprise, if you've been paying attention.

Last year, an employee at Target headquarters sent us a long email detailing what they saw as rampant problems in workplace culture and management. Target's Chief Marketing Officer was more alarmed about this email to us than he was about Target employees' many other damning emails to us, for some reason.

Earlier this year, Target shut down its disastrous "Target Canada" experiment. Now, the company has announced these 1,700 layoffs—"the largest downsizing of its headquarters staff ever"—as well as another 1,400 open jobs that will go unfilled.

Our sympathies go out to those employees. Perhaps this would have been slightly easier for them if Target allowed them to have a union. Fuckers.

[Photo: AP]