Three men were arrested by Spartanburg, South Carolina police early Sunday after their alleged "bubbly 1:30 AM frolicking" in a hot tub turned to fisticuffs.

According to the police report obtained by the Smoking Gun, Austin Adams, 18, and Michael Gordon, 33, went to a gay club in Spartanburg together, where they met Douglas Tench, 21. From the Smoking Gun:

After drinking alcoholic beverages at the bar, Tench agreed to leave with Adams and Gordon. The trio proceeded to a residence in Boiling Springs where Gordon is dog sitting for the home's owner. While at the property, a deputy reported, the men "enjoyed each others company" in a hot tub on the back deck.

Gordon told an investigator that he and Adams "decided together to bring Tench back from the bar." He added that the men subsequently "were in the hot tub together kissing and touching each other."

Adams told police that he "lost control" and started attacking Tench after he “stated he got paid more for his escort services than Adams.” From the police report:

Tench first stated he had been punched. Tench then stated Adams threatened him with a knife. No knife was located in or around the hot tube [sic]. Tench could not describe the knife. He also had no visible injuries.

After being allegedly attacked and threatened, Tench then apparently ran to a house across the street, phoned a friend, who called police. Adams confessed to assaulting Tench, and was arrested by police for simple assault. Tench and Gordon were both arrested police for providing alcohol to a minor.

[Images of Tench, Gordon, and Adams via Spartanburg Sheriff's Dept.]