They didn't know each other's names, but on a sunny sidewalk in front of a prom-dress shop in Chula Vista, Calif., they knew each other's bodies. A man in a yellow hoodie and a woman in nothing but sensible shoes and a skirt were cited for public indecency on Friday after a witness recorded their afternoon fuck sesh and called the police.

Christy Peterson, who works at the dress shop and saw the whole thing, told San Diego's KGTV ABC10, "Her legs were in the air and the guy was on top. We were so shocked our mouths were just open."

Even after police arrived, she said, the two lovers didn't seem interesting in breaking it up.

"They were like cuddled up while police were giving them tickets."

The woman, 38, was given a citation, while her hoodie-draped partner, 20, was led off in cuffs, booked for violating his probation.

And what a probation violation it was! Ah, the almost-spring, when a young man's fancy lightly turns to fornicating with older women at the local strip mall, and the wanton lapwing gets himself another arrest.

News video of the incident has officially "gone viral," ABC10 bragged, reporting that a German television station inquired over the weekend about buying the full, uncensored footage.

[Video: ABC7]