Just when you thought this story couldn't get shittier or more nauseating, TMZ drops the bomb that the relative of Here Comes Honey Boo Boo matriarch June Shannon's that her reported boyfriend, convicted child molester Mark McDaniel, forced oral sex on 10 years ago, when she was 8 years old, is none other than June's daughter Anna.

From TMZ's story:

Sources tell TMZ ... Anna Cardwell — who is now 20 and married with a child — believed her mom earlier today that she was not dating the man who molested her. But we're told Anna has now received a lot more info, and is now convinced June betrayed her by seeing McDaniel again.

Anna wants it known she's the victim because it makes what her mom is doing all the more egregious. We're told Anna feels her relationship with her mom has been destroyed, and the only way June can see her granddaughter is if McDaniel is nowhere to be seen.

We're also told TLC reached out to Anna today to offer her counseling.

This is enormously upsetting. Anna spent much of her childhood estranged from her mother, which is something she and I discussed when I interviewed the family two years ago. From that piece:

Just this week, the National Enquirer ran an item about June attempting to give Anna up for adoption before Anna landed in June's mother's house (June, 32, was 15 when she had Anna). Anna confirmed to me that her grandmother "basically" raised her and she did, in fact, move back home from her grandmother's for the sake of the show.

June has denied the allegations that caused TLC's cancelation of Here Comes Honey Boo Boo. And so the show goes out in the spectacular fashion with which it arrived, though none of us could quite predict the tragic particulars of its demise.

"Reality TV don't last more than three years," June said to me in 2012. "People have a good run for about three years. Some people fizzle out within a couple of weeks. We've had about 10 weeks and if it stays for the next three years, great."