Williamsburg, Brooklyn is one of the most famously gentrified neighborhoods in the country, having completed its transition from industrial wasteland/ ethnic enclave to "place where financiers live in glass towers and joke about the 'hipsters' who can no longer afford to live there." But a few years ago, well— Williamsburg was wild, back then.

In the olden days, hilariously insulated parenting message board chatter was confined to Park Slope. Now, it appears, Williamsburg parents are "getting in the game." Specifically, parents who live at The Edge, the massivest of the massive condo towers that now line Williamsburg's west side like the mold rind on a particularly pricey imported cheese. A member of the "ParentsAtTheEdge" online group forwarded us this recent posting by an Edge resident— a wistful remembrance of the bygone days of old.

Believe it it not, two to three years ago when many of us moved into our apartments, we were pioneers and this section of Williamsburg was still the Wild, Wild West. We were surrounded by warehouses, vacant lots, empty retail stores and half-finished/abandoned condo projects.

Replied another parent:

As for kent circa 2009- I remember looking out my window here and they were literally creating the extension of the street past kent avenue in front of our bldg. I also remember hoping that they would put in a traffic light at the intersection because crossing felt like a game of Frogger! Wild West indeed! :).

Luxury condo tower, Williamsburg, three years ago. Wild West indeed! :)

[Photo: FB]