[There was a video here]

Retired porn star Jenna Jameson went full Anna Nicole earlier today during a segment on Good Day New York, which, according to TMZ, was cut short because she was such a fucking disaster. Her chat with Rosanna Scotto and Greg Kelly was no beauuuutiful dueeeeet. Far from it.

On writing her just-released erotic novel, Sugar, Jameson said, "I didn’t want it to be exact of what I’ve always done, so I kinda made up a fantastic, yummy story. ‘Cause, y’know, I read all the other stories and I was like [groan]." Her weave was as disheveled as her syntax. [Groan], indeed.

Other highlights (if ya know what I mean) include her recollections of being in a relationship during her porn career ("I was always good at being monogamous," to which Scotto said, "Hmmm"), her assertion that, "Everything's gonna go OK," with her ex, Tito Ortiz (nothing is going to be OK per this interview), and her take on Lovelace ("Whatever she had to say I seem to think that it was bull"). Actually, that's pretty lucid, or so I seem to think.

At the end of the interview, her upcoming book signing was plugged. "We’re gonna have so much fun!" said Jenna. And then she squawked. "All right, good luck, Jenna, thank you very much," said Kelly like a stern dad who knew he was too late to help, and that his work here was done, whether he wanted it to be or not.