Art may be subjective, but it's objectively dumb to volunteer to be shot with 300,000 volts of electricity. And yet somehow, one artist found close to 100—100!!!—volunteers for his unholy wedding of Marina Abramović's "The Artist is Present" with a stun gun.

The "Taser Photoshoot" was conceptualized by Patrick Hall, a portrait photographer who apparently knows a lot of people willing to be shot with a Taser in the name of art.

Each person was tazed by their friend or significant other which created an interesting dynamic in itself. The emotions on both sides of the taser were extremely entertaining to watch. The person getting tazed was almost always nervous and jittery with either a sense of fear or anxiety. The participants doing the tazing had a different demeanor altogether. Most of them were excited to cause pain to their friend and only showed remorse immediately after executing the shock. I wanted to record both of these reactions and you can see a second slow motion edit of both people's reactions in the video below.

[h/t Daily Dot]