Irena Briganti is the Fox News PR attack dog described as "The Most Vindictive Flack in the Media World," by us. Despite her high profile job and use of the media to smear reporters, Briganti herself takes great pains to keep all information about her out of the public realm. In the spirit of public interest, we present the fourth known photograph of Irena Briganti.

Our source tells us that this photo was probably taken circa 2006 at a Fox News company party. On the left you see Fox News anchor Shep Smith. On the right you see Irena Briganti. (We apologize for the obvious bad timing of this photograph, what with Briganti's eyes being closed. This is not intended as a veiled jab. It is, rather, a testament to the scarcity of photos of Irena Briganti. We do not care what Irena Briganti looks like, in particular. We merely seek to rectify the incongruity of her behind-the-scenes power and public mystery persona.)

You can find the other three known photos of Irena Briganti here.

Fox News continues to be the worst.